
The adventure is continuing - we are now moving to Bretagne - you will now find us and the dogs in Bretagne. Looking forward to more time with the dogs and many new adventures
New Adventure

It started already a very long time ago with an orange roan cocker spaniel called Loppan, but it was only in 2000 that I got my first cocker. She was black her kennel name was Donatal Tiffany and we called her Judy. When Judy passed we went to see the dogs at the Geneva dog show at Palexpo in November 2013. At the show we met Justine with Wilson and Phoebe. Her dogs seemed to love her such much that we decided that this was the person to get our next dog from. In early summer 2014 we saw that she had puppies. At the start we were looking for a black female (like Judy) - we then settled on a red female. But then we saw a picture of Jared Leto (alias Tom) and ............and in August we were the proud owners of Jared Leto du Domaine de Kerarzic Vilin. In November 2014 we (or more like Justine) showed Tom and he became 3rd best puppy in show on the Saturday. Since we have travelled Europe and with the help of many, especially Hugues, turned our Tom into a multi champion.
We then got a second cocker Manchela Baloo in January 2018 and this summer Justine allowed me to become the owner of Obladi Oblada du Domaine de Kerarzic Vilin and we are now looking forward to take the adventure a step further.
Baloo, Molly and Tom

Photos Joe Bellyss